
Document list

Athens - Plenary 1: Protecting minors in the online world - Presentation by Prof. dr. Eva Lievens (Ghent University)
posted on 29 Oct, 2019   (public)
Presentation by Prof. dr. Eva Lievens (Ghent University), for the Plenary Session 1: "Protecting minors in the online world: what common challenges for NRAs and DPAs?" on 24 October 2019 in Athens....
Portoroz - Plenary 1: New Services and Scope - Presentation by Julia Hörnle
posted on 04 Jun, 2012   (public)
Presentation by Dr Julia Hörnle, Independent Board Member of ATVOD (UK), for the Plenary session 1: New Services and Scope: What’s in, What’s out Revisited, 35th EPRA meeting, Portorož, 31 May,...
Sofia - Plenary1: The new AVMS Directive: Future Challenges - Keynote
posted on 03 Oct, 2007   (public)
"Media convergence light", Keynote address by Dr Wolfgang Schulz, Hans-Bredow Institut, Hamburg for the Plenary Session The new AVMS Directive: Future Challenges for Regulators, 26th EPRA meeting:...
Dubrovnik - Plenary 1: Content Regulation in the New Media Environment - Keynote
posted on 04 Oct, 2006   (public)
Keynote Speech of Alexander Scheuer, EMR for the Plenary Session: Content Regulation in the new Media Environment, 24th EPRA meeting: Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-6 October 2006
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