
Document list

Berne - Plenary 1: How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Presentation by Analysys Mason
posted on 14 May, 2015   (public)
Presentation by Lluis Borrell, Analysys Mason, for the Plenary session 1: "How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Focus on Consumption & Distribution Aspects" - which...
Vilnius - Plenary 1: Supervising VOD services - Presentation by European Audiovisual Observatory
posted on 04 Oct, 2013   (public)
Presentation by André Lange, European Audiovisual Observatory, on the enlargement of the MAVISE database to on-demand audiovisual services, for the first Plenary session on "Supervising VOD...
Vilnius - Plenary 1: Supervising VOD services - Presentation by ATVOD (UK)
posted on 04 Oct, 2013   (public)
Presentation by Cathy Taylor, ATVOD (UK) for the First Plenary Session on "Supervising VOD services: best practices and methodology", of 3 October 2013 in Vilnius.
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