Athens - Plenary 1: Protecting minors in the online world - Presentation by Prof. dr. Eva Lievens (Ghent University)
posted on
29 Oct, 2019
Presentation by Prof. dr. Eva Lievens (Ghent University), for the Plenary Session 1: "Protecting minors in the online world: what common challenges for NRAs and DPAs?" on 24 October 2019 in Athens....
Sarajevo - Plenary 1: Protection of minors in the online world - Introductory document
posted on
22 May, 2019
Introductory document EPRA/2019/02 by Géraldine Denis and Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat, for the Plenary session on "Protection of minors in the online world: focus on evidence of harm" in...
Berne - Plenary 1: How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Background document
posted on
06 May, 2015
Background Document (EPRA/2015/02) prepared by Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK) for the Plenary session 1: "How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Focus on Consumption &...
Tbilisi - Plenary 1: Future Models of Media Regulation - Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI)
posted on
09 Oct, 2014
Final version of the Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI) for the Plenary session 1: “Beyond the AVMS: Future Models of Media Regulation", which took place on 9 October 2014 on the...
Tbilisi - Plenary 1: Future Models of Media Regulation - Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE)
posted on
09 Oct, 2014
Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE) for the Plenary session 1: “Beyond the AVMS: Future Models of Media Regulation", which took place on 9 October 2014 on the occasion of the 40th EPRA...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Presentation by Thomas Langheinrich, DLM (DE)
posted on
10 Jun, 2014
Presentation by Thomas Langheinrich, President of the Media Authority Baden-Württemberg (LFK) and DLM’s Commissioner for European Affairs (DE), for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE)
posted on
10 Jun, 2014
Presentation by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE), for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on Convergence. Analysis of NRAs and Stakeolders responses", which took place on 5 June 2014 on the occasion of...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Presentation by Emmanuel Forest, Bouygues Europe
posted on
10 Jun, 2014
Presentation by Emmanuel Forest, Bouygues Europe, for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on Convergence. Analysis of NRAs and Stakeolders responses", which took place on 5 June 2014 on the...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Presentation by Heiko Zysk, ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
posted on
10 Jun, 2014
Presentation by Heiko Zysk, Vice President Governmental Relations & Head of European Affairs at ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on Convergence. Analysis of NRAs...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Background paper
posted on
02 Jun, 2014
Background paper EPRA/2014/02 by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE), for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on Convergence. Analysis of NRAs and Stakeolders responses", which took place on 5 June 2014 on...