
Document list

Yerevan - Plenary I: Is there still a future for Free-to-view TV? - Free to air Content Provision - Presentation (Ross Biggam, Discovery)
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 24 Oct, 2016   (public)
"Free to air Content Provision" presentation by Ross Biggam (Vice-President of Government Relations, Discovery Networks EMEA) for Plenary Session 1: "Is there still a future for Free-to-View TV ?...
Yerevan - Plenary I: Is there still a future for Free-to-view TV? - Future of FTA TV - Presentation by Gilles Fontaine, EAO
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 24 Oct, 2016   (public)
"Is there a future for free-to-view television? Trends and figures" presentation given by Gilles Fontaine (Head of Department for Information on Markets and Financing, European Audiviosual...
Portoroz - Plenary 2: The Future of Commercial Communications - Presentation by Ross Biggam
posted on 04 Jun, 2012   (public)
Presentation by Ross Biggam, Director General of ACT, for the Plenary session 2: The Future of Commercial Communications: Market and Regulatory Developments, 35th EPRA meeting, Portorož, 1 June,...
Portoroz - Plenary 2: The Future of Commercial Communications - Introduction
posted on 24 May, 2012   (public)
Introductory document to session 2 on the Future of Commercial Communications by Maria Donde, Ofcom (UK) and the EPRA Secretariat, 35th EPRA meeting, Portoroz, 31 May - 1 June 2012.
Tallinn - Plenary 1: Commercial Communication - Presentation UK
posted on 06 May, 2009   (public)
Presentation by Chris Banatvala, Ofcom, UK, for the Plenary session on "Commercial Communication from TVWF to AVMS : Remaining Problems and New Issues", Tallinn, May 2009
Malta - Plenary 1: advertising - UK presentation
posted on 27 Sep, 2001   (public)
Presentation by Martin Hart, ITC, UK for the plenary session: Follow up discussion on advertising regulation in the light of the Television Without Frontiers Directive (sept. 2001)
Malta - Plenary 1: advertising - Presentation by BEUC
posted on 27 Sep, 2001   (public)
Intervention of Willemien Bax, BEUC for the plenary session : Follow up discussion on advertising regulation in the light of the Television Without Frontiers Directive (Sept. 2001)
Malta - Plenary 1: Advertising - background paper
posted on 27 Sep, 2001   (public)
Background document for the Plenary session on "Follow up discussion on advertising regulation in the light of the Television Without Frontiers Directive" by Gernot Schumann, European Affairs...
Barcelona - Plenary: Advertising - FCC (US)
posted on 18 Apr, 2001   (public)
Presentation by Jonathan Levy, Federal Communications Commission, USA , on Advertising, Market Forces, and Regulation, April 2001, Barcelona
Barcelona - Plenary: Advertising - Background Paper
posted on 18 Apr, 2001   (public)
EPRA/2001/02 13th EPRA meeting Barcelona, 19-20 April 2001 How far shall we deregulate advertising in the light of the future review of the TWF Directive? Background document for the Plenary...
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