Yerevan - Plenary II: Compliance & enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test (part II) - Keynote (Jean-François Furnémont)
posted on
26 Oct, 2016
"Challenges of ensuring compliance and enforcement in a changing media ecosystem" keynote address by Jean-François Furnémont (co-founder at Wagner-Hatfield), for Plenary Session 2: "Compliance &...
Yerevan - Plenary II: Compliance & enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test (part II) - PowerPoint (Jean-François Furnémont)
Eric Munch (Observer)
posted on
24 Oct, 2016
"Challenges of ensuring compliance and enforcement in a changing media ecosystem" PowerPoint presentation by Jean-François Furnémont (co-founder at Wagner-Hatfield), for Plenary Session 2:...
Yerevan - Plenary II: Compliance and Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods put to test (part II) - Introductory paper
posted on
14 Oct, 2016
Introductory paper (EPRA/2016/13) by the EPRA Secretary for the discussion in Plenary II: "Compliance and Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods put to test (part II)" which will take place...
Vilnius - Plenary 1: Supervising VOD services - Presentation by ATVOD (UK)
posted on
04 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Cathy Taylor, ATVOD (UK) for the First Plenary Session on "Supervising VOD services: best practices and methodology", of 3 October 2013 in Vilnius.
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - Presentation by Monica Placidi
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Monica Placidi, Telecom Italia for the Plenary Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - An Introduction
posted on
02 May, 2013
Introduction and objectives (EPRA/2013/02a) to Plenary session 1 on The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, prepared by Francesca Pellicanò (AGCOM - IT) for the 37th EPRA meeting in...
Sarajevo - Plenary 1: 10 years of EPRA - Presentation HU
posted on
11 May, 2005
Powerpoint Presentation by János Timár, ORTT (HU) on Current challenges faced by the regulatory authority in Hungary, presented at the Plenary Session: "Back to the Future 10 years of EPRA", 21st...
Naples - Plenary 2: Self-regulation - Background Document
posted on
08 May, 2003
Background paper: EPRA/2003/02 by Eleftheria Pertzinidou, Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat on Self-regulation of TV content with respect to protection of minors and violence, 17th EPRA meeting,...
Naples - Plenary 2 : Self Regulation - Keynote
posted on
08 May, 2003
Keynote Speech of Sven Egil Omdal, former President of the Norwegian Press Council for the Plenary Session on: Self-regulation of TV-content with respect to protection of minors and violence, 17th...