Yerevan - Plenary I: Is there still a future for Free-to-view TV? - Introductory paper
posted on
12 Oct, 2016
Introductory Paper (EPRA/2016/09) by Content producer Francesca Pellicanò (AGCOM - IT), for the Plenary session 1 “Is there still a future for Free-to-View TV? Free to air content provision in...
Berne - Plenary 1: How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Presentation by Analysys Mason
posted on
14 May, 2015
Presentation by Lluis Borrell, Analysys Mason, for the Plenary session 1: "How to ensure a sustainable ecosystem for media content in Europe - Focus on Consumption & Distribution Aspects" - which...
Budva - Plenary 1: The Green Paper on Convergence - Presentation by Heiko Zysk, ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
posted on
10 Jun, 2014
Presentation by Heiko Zysk, Vice President Governmental Relations & Head of European Affairs at ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, for the Plenary session 1 : "Green Paper on Convergence. Analysis of NRAs...