

A brand new EPRA Board based on continuity and experience
posted on 19 May, 2015   (public)
EPRA elects Celene Craig as Chairperson; Johanna Fell joins the Executive Board: A brand new EPRA Board based on continuity and experience Elections for the entire EPRA Executive Board (one Chairperson and up to a maximum of four Vice-Chairpersons) were held at the EPRA...


EPRA and the University of Vienna's Comms Policy Collaborative reap the first benefits from their partnership initiative
posted on 13 September, 2022   (public)
Building strong connections between researchers and regulators for an effective and sustainable regulation The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) and the Comms Policy Collaborative (CPC) in the Department of Communications at the University of...
New EPRA papers on "Minors & advertising" and "Regulation of hate speech on VSP"
posted on 01 September, 2022   (public)
As a result of in-depth exchanges between experts and audiovisual regulators, EPRA publishes papers on two topical issues: Regulating hate speech on VSPs and Protecting minors from harmful online advertising   Based on the idea that a better understanding of the...
At long last! EPRA convenes in Antwerp for 55th meeting
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 05 May, 2022   (public)
EPRA meets in Antwerp for the first time in two years to address emerging regulatory challenges and cooperation The final version of the detailed Agenda for the 55th EPRA meeting, which will take place on 11-13 May 2022 in Antwerp, is now available. This closed...

Regulation News

Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB
posted on 24 February, 2015   (public)
Digital radio & small stations: Ofcom announces trials of small scale DAB On 24 February 2015, Ofcom has confirmed plans for trials of a new technology that could provide small radio stations across the UK with an affordable way to broadcast on DAB digital radio....
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania
posted on 17 February, 2015   (public)
Independent application of INDIREG ranking tool in Albania Responding to a request by the Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, the Council of Europe Secretary General had requested assistance for an assessment of the independence and efficient functioning of the Albanian...
French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV
posted on 16 February, 2015   (public)
French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV On 13 February 2015 the French Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) published a new study on catch-up TV in France entitled: "La télévision de rattrapage : une pratique installée, une...