

A brand new EPRA Board based on continuity and experience
posted on 19 May, 2015   (public)
EPRA elects Celene Craig as Chairperson; Johanna Fell joins the Executive Board: A brand new EPRA Board based on continuity and experience Elections for the entire EPRA Executive Board (one Chairperson and up to a maximum of four Vice-Chairpersons) were held at the EPRA...


EPRA/Cullen International joint event in Brussels - Summary & highlights
posted on 11 April, 2023   (public)
A timely and stimulating event highlighting the role of financing schemes and regulation to support the production and sustainability of quality media content  NEW (13 June 2023): Link to podcast added   On 29 March 2023, EPRA organised a landmark...
Dis/misinformation, plurality & trust: summary of the EPRA thematic plenary session (56th EPRA meeting)
posted on 19 January, 2023   (public)
EPRA session addresses the effects of perceived disinformation, the impact of media polarisation and the role of regulators Dis/misinformation, plurality and trust are topical themes underpinning European media legislation. On 13 October 2022, on the...
EPRA consults on draft Work Programme for 2023
posted on 03 January, 2023   (public)
Have your say on the draft EPRA Work Programme for 2023 Based on the answers of EPRA members to a call for inputs issued in November, the EPRA Executive Board has elaborated the draft 2023 annual Work Programme. In line with the EPRA Strategy 2021-2023, the main objective...

Regulation News

Digital Single Market Strategy: consultations on geo-blocking and the role of platforms
posted on 25 September, 2015   (public)
Digital Single Market Strategy: consultations on geo-blocking and the role of platforms On 24 September 2015, the European Commission has launched two further consultations as part of the Digital Single Market Strategy issued on 6 May 2015: one on geo-blocking and one...
Media & Elections : French CSA publishes 15 proposals
posted on 21 September, 2015   (public)
Media & Elections : French CSA publishes 15 proposals With a view to better reconciling freedom of communication with rules on political pluralism in the audiovisual media, the French regulatory authority (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - CSA) has...
Digitisation in Germany - 2015 DLM Report
posted on 15 September, 2015   (public)
Digitisation  in Germany - 2015 DLM Report The Directors Conference of the Media Authorities (DLM) has recently published its 2015 report on Digitisation, measuring the digitisation of the German broadcasting market and comparing it also to the international one. The...