

Independence of NRAs: EPRA highlights Key Developments
posted on 17 July, 2014   (public)
Independence of NRAs: EPRA highlights Key Developments A Working Group on the independence of broadcasting regulators convened on the occasion of the 39th EPRA meeting which took place in Budva, Montenegro, on 4-6 June 2014. The first part of the three-tiered debate focused...
EPRA elects Helena Mandić as Chairwoman; Celene Craig and Juraj Polák join the Executive Board
posted on 16 June, 2014   (public)
EPRA elects Helena Mandić as Chairwoman; Celene Craig and Juraj Polák join the Executive Board By-elections for the positions of EPRA Chairperson and two EPRA Vice-Chairpersons were held at the 39th EPRA meeting in Budva on 6 June 2014. Further to the announcements...


Regulation News

Mental health: the role of media literacy – A study by Ofcom (UK)
posted on 12 June, 2023   (public)
Impact of online life on mental health: what could be the role of media literacy?   As part of the Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK – from 15 to 21 May 2023 –, UK regulator Ofcom has published a study "Listening to experts: Mental...
Disinformation: AEM Croatia publishes landmark study
posted on 22 May, 2023   (public)
A comprehensive, well-structured report to inform public policy to strengthen resilience to disinformation On 8 May 2023, the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM), the Croatian media regulatory authority, released the English edition of the study “...
Investigating the role of online platforms before/after the Bratislava shooting - Slovak regulator publishes report
posted on 16 March, 2023   (public)
A concise, well structured report deploring slow and inadequate content moderation, pointing at the shortcomings of online platforms, and calling for more consistent and enforceable regulatory oversight On 9 March 2023, the Council for Media Services in...