

Farewell to Jean-François Furnémont
posted on 13 October, 2024   (public)
  It is with immense sadness and a very heavy heart that we inform you of the sudden death of our colleague and friend Jean-François Furnémont, who passed away on Thursday 10 October.   Jean-François had been...
Vice-chair election: EPRA welcomes new Board member
posted on 10 June, 2024   (public)
Armela Krasniqi joins the EPRA Executive Board Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 59th EPRA meeting in Rotterdam on 6 June 2024. The Assembly of EPRA members elected Armela Krasniqi, Chairperson...
EPRA adopts Strategy and Action Plan for 2024-2026
posted on 19 April, 2024   (public)
"Inspire, share, strengthen" is EPRA's motto for the next three years   The community of EPRA members unanimously adopted a new Strategy and Work Plan covering the period 2024-2026, through an online procedure ending on 12 April 2024....


EPRA Chairperson's Report for 2018
posted on 01 April, 2019   (public)
Assessing progress against EPRA's strategic goals and objectives The meeting of the EPRA Executive Board on 1 February 2019 in Munich was the occasion to adopt the EPRA Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2019.  It...
European Media Literacy week: EPRA highlights essential role that independent regulators can play
posted on 25 March, 2019   (public)
EPRA represented in European Commission and Council of Europe MIL events The goal of the first European Media Literacy Week was to raise awareness of the importance of media literacy across Europe and to highlight different existing initiatives, in particular those at regional...
EPRA's permanent Secretariat has a new administrative assistant
posted on 12 March, 2019   (public)
Géraldine Denis joined the Secretariat on 1 March Further to the vacancy notice and the recruitment process launched last September, Géraldine Denis joined the EPRA Secretariat on March 1st as a full-time and permanent administrative assistant. Géraldine...

Regulation News

Television Access Services: Ofcom's final report for 2015
posted on 08 April, 2016   (public)
Television Access Services: Ofcom's final report for 2015 Under the Communications Act 2003, television broadcasters are required to deliver a certain proportion of their programmes with subtitles, signing and audio description to ensure those with hearing and visual...
French administrative court overrules CSA's decision to withdraw Numéro 23 licence
posted on 06 April, 2016   (public)
French administrative court overrules CSA's decision to withdraw Numéro 23 licence On 30 March 2016, the French "Conseil d'Etat" (the highest administrative jurisdiction in France) decided to invalidate the sanction imposed by the French CSA (Conseil...
Archiving Community Media online: CMDS report highlights best practices
posted on 05 April, 2016   (public)
Archiving Community Media online: CMDS Report highlights best practices The Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) has issued a research report, authored by Joost van Beek with contributions from Kate Coyer, which explores some of the challenges, obstacles, opportunities...