

Farewell to Jean-François Furnémont
posted on 13 October, 2024   (public)
  It is with immense sadness and a very heavy heart that we inform you of the sudden death of our colleague and friend Jean-François Furnémont, who passed away on Thursday 10 October.   Jean-François had been...
Vice-chair election: EPRA welcomes new Board member
posted on 10 June, 2024   (public)
Armela Krasniqi joins the EPRA Executive Board Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 59th EPRA meeting in Rotterdam on 6 June 2024. The Assembly of EPRA members elected Armela Krasniqi, Chairperson...
EPRA adopts Strategy and Action Plan for 2024-2026
posted on 19 April, 2024   (public)
"Inspire, share, strengthen" is EPRA's motto for the next three years   The community of EPRA members unanimously adopted a new Strategy and Work Plan covering the period 2024-2026, through an online procedure ending on 12 April 2024....


Media plurality in the age of algorithms: first EPRA podcast released
posted on 09 July, 2020   (public)
What is media plurality, and what are the conditions and risks for media plurality in the age of algorithms? Be sure to tune in to this timely conversation with key experts     As was announced last week, the EPRA team has replaced the planned panel...
51st EPRA meeting in Antwerp cancelled
posted on 24 March, 2020   (public)
Format and content to be adapted and provided in alternative ways Owing to the situation in Europe regarding the outbreak of Covid-19, the Executive Board, with deep regret, took a unanimous decision to cancel the 51st EPRA meeting which was due to take place on 13-15 May 2020...
EPRA consults on new 3-year Strategy
posted on 16 March, 2020   (public)
Have your say on EPRA's Strategy for the next three years The Executive Board is opening a consultation on a new draft three-year Strategy document. The draft is composed of three main parts: the introductory section provides background, context and highlights...

Regulation News

A modified structure for the French CSA
posted on 08 June, 2015   (public)
A modified structure for the French CSA Echoing the far-reaching changes of the media environment and as a consequence of its new duties on public service broadcasting and economic regulation introduced by the Law of 15 November 2013, the French regulator CSA announced a...
Ofcom looks back at 10 years Adults’ media use
posted on 26 May, 2015   (public)
Ofcom looks back at 10 years Adults’ media use Ofcom published, in May 2015, its Adults’ media use and attitudes Report 2015. The Report provides data on adults' (aged 16 and over) media use and attitudes across TV, radio, games, mobile and the internet, with...
EPRA Berne: Presentation of the Swiss Media Landscape
posted on 21 May, 2015   (public)
EPRA Berne: Presentation of the Swiss Media Landscape On the occasion of the 41st EPRA meeting in Berne held on 13-15 May 2015, Mr. Roger Blum, Chairperson of the Independent Complaints Authority (ICA) and Mr. Philipp Metzger, Director General of the Federal Office for...