In Bratislava, members of the EPRA MIL Taskforce have agreed to help identify stakeholders and partners that are working on MIL projects in order to assist the Committee of Experts working on a draft Recommendation aimed at promoting a favourable environment for quality journalism in the digital age (MSI-JOQ). As part of this process, the Committee is undertaking a study aiming to try and identify activities and promising practices that help citizens recognise and value quality journalism. The aim of this study is two-fold:
A questionnaire on key MIL projects that help the public recognise and value quality journalism is now circulated to be completed by regulatory authorities or forwarded to the relevant stakeholders. The results of the study will be published in autumn 2019 and will be an important point of reference for the future work of MSI-JOQ and the Council of Europe’s committees in general.
Source: Council of Europe/MSI-JOQ