
Media Developments in Denmark: 2016 report

by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 16 November, 2016   (public)

Media Developments in Denmark: 2016 report

On 16 November 2016, the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces (Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen) published the English version of its annual report on media developments in Denmark, originally released on 16 June of this year (Rapportering om mediernes udvikling i Danmark). This report, entitled "Summary and Discourse 2016" is the third since the regulator started publishing yearly reports on media developments, in 2014.

It gathers the main conclusions stemming from this year's analyses of media usage in Denmark and from three special reports published in December 2015:

  • Media usage on the internet - streaming, content and access
  • Social media - usage, areas of interest and desire to debate
  • Media literacy in a Danish context

Some of the findings include the following:

  • Age is very much the deciding factor when it comes to media usage in general and in relation to behaviour on the internet and on mobile platforms.
  • With regard to conventional TV, from 2014 to 2015, the daily viewing time of the population as a whole fell by 1 minute, and from 2010 to 2015 by 29 minutes (2010: 201 minutes a day, 2014: 173 minutes a day, 2015: 172 minutes a day). Among 12–18s, daily viewing fell by 12 minutes from 2014 to 2015, and by 71 minutes from 2010 to 2015 (2010: 136 minutes a day, 2014: 77 minutes a day, 2015: 65 minutes a day)
  • With regard to radio, from 2014 to 2015, the daily listening of the population as a whole increased by four minutes. From 2008 to 2015, there was an overall drop of 10 minutes in daily listening.
  • In terms of media usage on the internet and use of mobile platforms, adults and older age groups are beginning, to some extent, to acquire the media usage that young people have so readily acquired. Here, the media habits of the young and elderly are converging. However, there is still a marked difference in the media usage on the internet and on mobile platforms of the young and the elderly.
  • The monthly reach of the websites of the two national public service media was 64 % among Danish internet users as a whole, 74 % among 7–18s and 53 % in the 71+ age group.
  • There is a modest increase of ad revenue (in real terms) and, in 2015, this was just over DKK 13.2 billion compared to just under DKK 12.8 billion in 2014. However, this is still far behind the 2007 level, when ad revenue was just under DKK 16.9 billion.

Just like the previous ones, the report has been compiled in consultation with an external editorial panel consisting of seven expert media professionals, researchers and industry representatives who have offered advice and suggestions regarding development and prioritisation in the media landscape.

Source: Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces
