posted on
19 February, 2018
An exciting programme for 2018 under the sign of Continuity, Coherence and Relevance

The Annual Work Programme, which lays out EPRA’s priorities and anticipated work for 2018, has been drafted by assembling member authorities’ suggestions collected further to a call for topics and by reflecting key findings originating from deliverables of the 2017 Work Programme.
Further to a consultation phase, the EPRA Executive Board approved the final Work Programme on 2 February 2018 in Munich.
The two plenary meetings will take place on 23-25 May 2018 in Luxembourg (hosted by ALIA) and in the autumn (date, place and host to be confirmed shortly).
You have comments and suggestions on this Work Programme?
You would wish to contribute as a speaker, panellist or content producer?
Please contact the Secretariat:
CONTINUITY, COHERENCE and RELEVANCE are three key characteristics of EPRA’s WP for 2018.
In 2018, EPRA will continue to analyse the impact of digital disruption and the changing role of broadcast media regulators by promoting them as TRANSVERSAL THEMES in all our sessions.
To bring coherence and relevance to the overall construct, we will focus on specific themes where the delivery of enduring goals of media regulation could be significantly impacted by far-reaching economic and technological changes, with potentially vital implications for DEMOCRACY.
In 2018, we also aim to reflect KEY FINDINGS OF PAST MEETINGS, with a session structure taking into account the importance of a reinforced dialogue with stakeholders, the benefits of an evidence-based approach and the need for stronger cooperation with other regulatory authorities, also including co- and self-regulatory bodies.
Against this background, the Plenary Themes are:
“The future of public service and public interest content in the digital age” (Plenary 1) and;
“The regulation of political communication in the era of social media” (Plenary 2).
The biannual Working Groups will focus on:
“Commercial Communication 2.0” (WG1) and
“Achieving greater diversity in broadcasting media” (WG2).
The two ad hoc Working Groups will focus on:
“New challenges for Privacy” (spring 2018)
“Spotlight on AVMSD: Implications for cooperation between NRAs from EU and non-EU countries” (autumn 2018).
Source: EPRA Secretariat