
Update on SEE Digi.TV activities

posted on 11 October, 2012   (public)

The Second SEE Digi.TV International Conference which is organized by the lead partner of the project, the Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (APEK), will be held in Ljubljana on 18-19 October 2012.

During this event (upon invitation only), the SEE Digi.TV project partners and their stakeholders will address social inequalities in access to use of and knowledge of ICT and will discuss the ways of awarding the digital dividend. The conference will also shed light on the future development of digital terrestrial television and specifics of other digital platforms.

The SEE Digi.TV project links 14 partners from 10 countries, most of them NRAs in the field of broadcasting and electronic media, who joined forces to speed-up the process of analogue switch-off in the region and further developments to more efficient technologies; maximize the harmonisation of the legislative and technical frameworks with the EU digitalisation process; avoid policy, technology and market fragmentation; develop regional strategy for optimal use of freed frequency spectrum for new ICT broadband services and efficiently manage digital dividend. The project, which was initiated in January 2011 and will continue until April 2013, is co-funded by the European Commission.

In addition to communication events (such as the Ljubljana upcoming conference) which are intended both to dissemination of the current project results and to obtaining input for further project endeavours from the stakeholders from the target region and from international experts, SEE Digi.TV holds regular project meetings where project partners examine the implementation of the remaining activities within the legal, economic and technical work packages, as well as awareness raising actions.

The 7th SEE Digi.TV Project Meeting was held in Sarajevo on 13 - 14 September 2012. The next project meeting will be organised by the Republic Broadcasting Agency, and will take place in Belgrade on 13 to 14 December 2012.

More information on SEE Digi. TV:

Source: SEE Digi. TV website