The Tunisian regulatory authority, Haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA), published, on 22 September 2014, a Guide for journalists covering the election campaign. The guide presents a number of rules and recommendations to be followed during the forthcoming election campaign in Tunisia. The Parliamentary elections will take place on 26 October, the presidential election on 23 November. The aim of the Guide is to help media professionals to cover this campaign in the best conditions and to ensure the principles of pluralism, impartiality and equal treatment of political parties and their candidates.
The advice in the Guide applies to all audiovisual media services, irrespective of their medium (radio or television channels), size (local, national, international) or status (public, private). They rely to a large extent on the "Guide for Tunisian journalists for the elections of 23 October 2011” published by the National Authority for Reform of Information and Communication (INRIC), and contributions provided by the HAICA members, the technical election assistance team of the European Union, UNESCO and BBC Media Action.
Guide for Tunisian journalists covering the election campaign (in French)