
Report of the EU Media Futures Forum

posted on 20 September, 2012   (public)

On 20 September 2012, the EU Media Futures Forum, commissioned by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, released its final report on trends, opportunities and challenges in the media sector. This report complements the executive summary and recommendations already published in June 2012.

The report highlights the key trends, opportunities and challenges of the EU media sector, as identified by the Forum members. It also points out the eight main obstacles to the emergence of an effective digital market and offers the solutions to overcome them.

The EU Media Futures Forum was established in December 2011 to debate on the futures of EU media and to issue recommendations on how to improve the policy framework for European media industries. The Forum is chaired by Christian van Thillo, CEO of De Persgroep.


Executive summary and recommendations

More about the EU Media Futures Forum

Source: website of the European Commission