On the eve of the 35th EPRA meeting and with the support of the International Organization of la Francophonie, the seven broadcasting regulators that are also members of REFRAM, the network of French speaking media regulatory authorities, met on 29 May in Portorož (Slovenia) to exchange experiences and good practices. The EPRA Board and Secretariat participated as observers.
During the round table discussion, representatives from regulatory authorities in Albania, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Moldova, Romania and Switzerland highlighted their respective regulatory approaches - a practical exercise in cross-fertilization which is the raison d'être of REFRAM.
The working day was also an opportunity to address the challenges faced by regulators from French speaking countries in southeastern Europe, report on the actions that the Council of Europe is conducting in this region, and to hear about the practical implementation of the Swiss system of quality control in media outlets based on the ISAS BCP 9001 certification.
Founded in 2007, the REFRAM gathers 28 of members and is currently chaired by the Belgian CSA. The International Organization of la Francophonie has an observer status within the Network. Its objective is to contribute to consolidating the rule of law, democracy and human rights. The REFRAM is a forum for debate and exchange information on issues of common interest and contributes to training efforts and cooperation among its members.
See also: http://www.csa.be/breves/676