On 9 March 2017, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) Ms. Dunja Mijatović presented her final report to the OSCE Permanent Council concluding officially her seven years of successful mandate.
The 24 pages report, which covers the period from 2 December 2016 to 9 March 2017, focuses on issues pertaining to Internet and media freedom and the safety of journalists in OSCE countries. The report includes information on the legal reviews commissioned by the Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kazakhstan. It also provides information on recent projects and planned activities of the Representative.
Ms. Mijatović highlighted the good work of the RFoM Office over the years and the role it currently plays in shaping the media and free expression environment in OSCE nations and regions. She also emphasised the need for increased political support of the office ensuring that the Representative can work with complete assurance that he or she will be supported by all the participating States. Finally, Ms. Mijatović expressed the hope that her successor would be a strong, independent and clear voice for free media and free expression across the entire OSCE region and would build on the foundation established by his or her predecessors.
Dunja Mijatović concluded with a rallying cry to journalists and media worldwide: Never give in; never give up. Eternal vigilance is the price of a free press.