
New audiovisual media services under the jurisdiction of Luxembourg

posted on 07 May, 2012   (public)

The Conseil national des programmes (CNP), the regulatory authority in Luxembourg, has been informed by the Department of Media and Communications of the Government that the following audiovisual media services now fall under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duchy:

Broadcast on ASTRA 19.2 ° East:

  •      RTI, public service, Ivory Coast
  •      RTB, public service, Burkina Faso
  •      RTS Sat, utility, Serbia

Broadcast on ASTRA 31.5 ° East  (unencrypted Ukrainian services on the  platform Ukrkosmos)

  •      Chornomorskaya TV, Chornomorska Teleradiokompanyia Ukraine
  •      Malyatko TV, Malyatko TV Company
  •      NTA, NTA Nezalezhne Televiziyne Agentstvo
  •      Eko TV, TV company Eko TV
  •      2T, Kiko
  •      Kiko, Kiko TV channel
  •      Planeta TV channel "Planeta"
  •      Svit Teleradio companiya Svit
  •      Kultura, public service
  •      KDTRK, public service
  •      UTR, public service

These services are primarily under the jurisdiction of their home country, but further to European and national legal provisions, they also fall under the jurisdiction of Luxembourg (content issues are thus under the supervision of the CNP), because they are received in the European Union, are not under the jurisdiction of any other Member State of the EU and their uplink is situated in Luxembourg.

The full list of supervised channels is available here: # more-3081

Source: Website of CNP

