
Media Literacy: High-level expert conference in Zagreb (Croatia)

posted on 19 February, 2020   (public)

High-level expert conference "Media literacy in an ever-changing world: Integrate. Gather. Empower." to be held in Zagreb  from 31 March to 1 April 2020

The conference will be jointly organised by the European Commission, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM), as a part of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, as well as the main European gathering during the 2020 Media Literacy week.


The conference will include a number of panel discussions, presentations and workshops to celebrate the importance of media literacy and quality journalism and reinforce the existing bridges between the media literacy professionals, media industry, audiovisual regulators and responsible authorities. The conference will be preceded on 30 March by the meeting of the Enlarged Media Literacy Expert Group and the Presentation of Pilot projects of the European Commission’s Call for Proposals “Media Literacy for All”.

The conference will address the numerous challenges of living in the digital media environment and the importance of media literacy to promote resilient societies. Therefore, the conference will be dedicated to:

  • the importance of national media literacy policies or strategies and developing platforms for cooperation and media literacy projects funding.
  • the new global media ecosystem and the importance of fostering not only quality journalism but also quality content in a broader sense.
  • the aspects of media regulation aimed at ensuring adequate and non-discriminatory findability for content of general interest and prominence of European works as well as the impact of artificial intelligence and algorithms on individuals and the creative industry, particularly the audiovisual industry.

The conference will be attended by some of the leading experts in the field of media literacy, media regulation and audiovisual industry, such as Renee Hobbs, Divina Frau-Meigs, Martina Chapman, Claes de Vreese, Saara Salomaa, Noel Curran, Brian O'Neill, Igor Kanižaj, Mark D. Cole, Maria Donde, L’uboš Kukliš, Guillaume de Posch, Julio Talavera and many others.

More information on the conference:

Source: Robert Tomljenović (Agency for Electronic Media - AEM)
