
IMC (XK*): new chairman

posted on 11 September, 2023   (public)

Jeton Mehmeti was elected Chairman of the Independent Media Commission from Kosovo*

Former member of the Independent Media Commission that he joined in 2022, Jeton Mehmeti was elected Chairman on 7 June 2023 for a two-year mandate.

With a long experience in media as a lecturer, Jeton has published several studies on media freedom, hate speech and disinformation and led international projects such as the "Media for All" programe in Kosovo* with the Thomson Foundation. Graduated in Communication and Media Policy, Jeton has an international educational background and won several scholarships such as the Marshall Memorial Fellowship (USA), the Academy for Leadership (Stanford University) and the Balkan Scholarship for Excellence in Journalism.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of Independence

Source: IMC
