
Hate speech Council of Europe Conference: presentations and conclusions now available

posted on 26 November, 2018   (public)

National audiovisual media regulatory authorities should play an important role in promoting democracy, a culture of tolerance and diversity

The Council of Europe, in partnership with the Croatian Agency for Electronic Media organised a regional conference on "Addressing hate speech in the media: the role of regulatory authorities and the judiciary” in Zagreb on 6-7 November 2018.

The aim of the event was to assess current challenges and exchange good practices between representatives from the Central and South-East Europe and experts from other European countries. The conference was organised under the Croatian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.



  • The concept paper, the presentations and conclusions are now available on the Conference webpage.
  • All the conference materials have been assembled in a handy document.
  • With particular regard to National media regulatory authorities, the conference concluded that that they "should play an important role in promoting democracy, a culture of tolerance and diversity: their engagement in combating hate speech includes transparency, professionalism, accountability, inclusiveness, and continued cooperation with all relevant institutional bodies and organisations. Ethical standards and codes of conduct, quality journalism, involvement, development of critical skills through media and information literacy activities, human rights education, campaigns against stereotypes and populism, regional andinternational cooperation should be further promoted, developed and supported".

Source: Council of Europe
