posted on
21 November, 2013
Gender Equality - CoE Strategy refers to the image and participation of women in media
refers also to the image and participation of women in media - See more at:
refers also to the image and participation of women in media - See more at:
On 6 November 2013, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy for 2014-2017. The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve the advancement and empowering of women and the effective realisation of gender equality in Council of Europe Member states.
The Strategy sets five main objectives: combating gender stereotypes and sexism, preventing and combating violence against women, guaranteeing equal access of women to justice, achieving balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making and achieving gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures.
With the objective of combating gender stereotypes and sexism, the Strategy also refers to the image and participation of women in media. Council of Europe action will focus on identifying practical measures to:
promote a positive and non-stereotyped image of women and men in the media;
abolish women’s image of inferiority and submission as well as stereotypes about men’s masculinity;
further balanced participation of women and men in decision-making positions in the media, in particular in management, programming and regulatory bodies.
The Strategy was prepared under the supervision of the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) which conducts intergovernmental work in the field of gender equality within the Council of Europe. On 14-15 November 2013, the Commission held its 4th meeting in Strasbourg. Among other topics, Media and the Image of Women was discussed during the meeting.
Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017 CM(2013)136 final
Gender Equality Commission
4th meeting of the Commission
Source: Council of Europe website