
French CSA Report on the representation of diversity in television and radio broadcast content

posted on 05 June, 2014   (public)

French CSA Report on the representation of diversity in television and radio broadcast content

On 23 May 2014, the French Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) published its Report on the representation of diversity in the French society in television and radio broadcast content. The Report reflects on actions taken by television channels and radio stations as well as actions taken by the CSA and its Observatory of Diversity on this subject and proposes measures to be taken to maintain and preserve diversity in all kinds of audiovisual programmes.

On the very same day, the CSA submitted a report to Parliament. Under article 3-1 of the Act of 30 September 1986 on Freedom of Communication (i.e. the French Broadcasting Act), the CSA is obliged to ensure that programming of the audiovisual media content reflects the diversity of French society. The CSA also made several recommendations for the attention of Parliament in order to define the legal tools enabling better understanding of the reality of French society.

Report on the representation of diversity in French society in television and radio broadcast content (FR)

Press release of the CSA (FR)

Source: Website of French CSA

