
French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV

posted on 16 February, 2015   (public)

French CSA publishes a new study on catch-up TV

On 13 February 2015 the French Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) published a new study on catch-up TV in France entitled: "La télévision de rattrapage : une pratique installée, une économie en devenir". After its first study on economic models for on-demand audiovisual media services published in 2011, CSA wishes to enhance the knowledge of the catch-up TV market in France, to assess its key trends and to identify the opportunities as well as major risks for the future of catch-up services in the medium term.

The study focuses on:
  • Offer, consumption and usage of catch-up TV in France
  • Revenues of catch-up TV in France
  • Challenges for the French catch-up TV market
  • Key lessons taken from international comparison
  • Scenarios for the development of the French catch-up TV market

Press release (in French)

CSA Study on catch-up TV: La télévision de rattrapage : une pratique installée, une économie en devenir  (in French)

Summary of the Study (in French)

Source: Website of the French CSA
