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16 February, 2021
Protecting children, media literacy, understanding the evolving media ecosystem… The CSA boosts its opportunities to collaborate with adjacent regulatory sectors
Along with several initiatives launched by the French CSA, the recent appointment of two new members in the Board of the French audiovisual regulator highlights a trend towards a stronger collaborative approach with other national sectoral regulators.
New members in the CSA Board coming from adjacent regulatory sectors
On 9 February 2021, two new members were appointed for the next six years:
Juliette Théry: A lawyer specialised in competition law, she was the former legal Director of the ‘Autorité de la concurrence’, the national competition regulator. She was designated by the Senate.
Benoit Loutrel, economist engineer specialised in digital transformation, he was the former chief executive of the ‘Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes’ (‘Arcep’), the independent French agency in charge of regulating telecommunications in France. He was designated by the National Assembly.
Their experience and expertise will be a valuable contribution to the Council, which will be called upon to continue its transformation in the period ahead, through the creation of the new regulatory authority for audiovisual and digital communication (ARCOM) or the extension of the scope of regulation to online platform operators.
Additional background: The French CSA is governed by seven members: the President of the CSA, currently Mr Roch-Olivier Maistre, and six members. They are appointed for a six-year term of office, which may not be revoked or renewed. With the exception of the President, one-third of the members are renewed every two years.
Collaborative initiatives
The CSA has recently launched several initiatives in cooperation with national authorities from adjacent sectors aimed at getting a global approach and providing relevant tools to citizens.
A digital hub and a common reference framework for digital usages with Arcep, the independent French agency in charge of regulating telecommunications in France. It aims at aggregating data from multiple sources in order to develop a global understanding of digital practices.

The first education kit for citizens in the digital age with three other national authorities: the CNIL, the data protection authority, the Defender of Rights and HADOPI, the High Authority for the dissemination of works and the protection of rights on the internet. Pooling the authorities’ educational resources, this kit provides tools to educators and parents to explain the digital world to children and inform about their rights in the online environment.

The online platform ‘’ to protect children against pornography with Arcep, the independent French agency in charge of regulating telecommunications in France. Launched by the government during the Safer Internet Day and based on an agreement between various actors and stakeholders, this online platform, steered by the CSA and the Arcep, explains how to install parental control tools and provides sexuality education content to ease the dialogue between children and their parents.

Source: CSA Website