
Conference of Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society

posted on 21 October, 2013   (public)

Conference of Council of Europe Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society

The Council of Europe is organising - with Serbia as the host - the Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society on the theme: “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND DEMOCRACY IN THE DIGITAL AGE, Opportunities, Rights and Responsibilities”. The Conference will take place in Belgrade on 7 - 8 November 2013.

The Conference offers opportunities for Ministers to meet and discuss topics of particular concern for European policy with strong links to democratic sustainability. The Conference will address opportunities and problems relating to freedom of expression and other fundamental rights and freedoms in respect of the Internet, its openness and governance. In addition to the minister round tables, it will cater for parallel sessions and side events gathering the main stakeholders.

Draft Agenda

Further Information

Source: Council of Europe

Source: Council of Europe
