
Community Media: Czech Regulator opens a public debate

posted on 19 September, 2012   (public)

The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting, the Czech regulatory authority, recently opened a public debate on Community Media by commissioning a report mapping out the possibilities for introducing "Third Sector" (non-profit) media in the Czech Republic.

The report, which was compiled by the Czech regulatory authority, includes guidance on the development of Czech community media - drafted by Third Sector expert Nico Carpentier - , as well as  information on the financing models for Community Media - based on a comparative analysis commissioned by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

In the Czech Republic, the current broadcasting regulatory framework only distinguishes between public and private (commercial) broadcasters.

Comments on the report may be sent until 15 October 2012 to the e-mail address:

KOMUNITNÍ MÉDIA - Report Commissioned by the Czech Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (Czech only)

Source: Website of the Czech Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting
