posted on
16 February, 2012
In a Declaration and a Recommendation adopted by its Committee of Ministers on 16.02.2012, the Council of Europe urged its member states to renovate the governance framework of public service media in order to adapt to the new communication environment.
The Appendix to the Recommendation lists the technical, societal, cultural and financial challenges facing public service media:
securing the right level of independence from the State,
the transformation from public service broadcasting to public service media,
justifying the “dual system” in today’s market,
The wider context of public service provision.
The text then looks at the role of governance in meeting these challenges. The document emphasises that member States should review, and where necessary strengthen, the external governance arrangements for public service media designed to guarantee editorial and operational independence as well as appropriate funding. In addition, the document presents guiding principles (based on a three-tier model) that public service media organisations should apply in order to assess the adequacy of their internal governance arrangements.
The first tier deals with structures and the principles of independence and accountability,
The second tier deals with efficient management,
The third tier deals with culture and the principles of transparency and openess, responsiveness and responsibility.
Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on Public Service Media Governance (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 15 February 2012 at the 1134th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on public service media governance (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 15 February 2012 at the 1134th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)
Source: Council of Europe