
BAI (IE): A sustainability roadmap for the Irish broadcasting sector

posted on 05 February, 2021   (public)

Towards a green, inclusive, and resilient audiovisual sector: the BAI’s call for a sustainable future


The next years will be crucial to fight the climate change crisis and its environmental, social and economic impacts.

Against this background, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) launched a Broadcasting Sustainability Network, with the idea to foster provide best practice and to encourage the audiovisual sector to be a sustainability leader and an inspiration for the society.

The Network, which is a voluntary sector-wide sustainability group of Irish broadcasters and representatives of their supply chains, is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

To support its goals, the Network has developed an evolving Sustainability Roadmap to guide the sector and to provide a vision and a concrete plan of action for its members.

  • The three interconnected pillars of sustainability

Environmental = Green / Social = Inclusive / Economic = Resilient

Based on three pillars, the roadmap identifies for each of them the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals applying to the audiovisual sector and focus areas where the broadcasting sector can gradually improve its actions over time.

  • The three-step journey

The roadmap aims to support and guide every organisation, regardless of what stage of advancement they are at, by providing suggestions of initiatives within each stage of the 'transition' process.

For each step, concrete examples of actions are proposed to improve both the internal process and strategy of the organisation to lead to a greener, more inclusive and more resilient structure. 

Lists of indicative practical actions are presented alongside a set of key metrics to assess the impact of those actions (KPIs).

In addition, the roadmap provides recommendations for good governance and accountable reporting processes.

The BAI strongly believes that broadcasting has a unique role to play in the fight against the climate change's crisis by informing the audience, raising awareness and impacting public attitudes and behaviours and thus encourages the Irish broadcasting sector to be a sustainability leader


Source and pictures: BAI 
