
A New Chairwoman for the German DLM

posted on 15 February, 2018   (public)

Cornelia Holsten, Direktorin der Bremischen Landesmedienanstalt, Vorsitzende der KJM

Under their regime of rotating responsibilities in a biennial rhythm, Cornelia Holsten, President of the Media Authority of Bremen (brema), took over the chair of the Conference of Directors (Direktorenkonferenz der Landesmedienanstalten) on 1 Jan. 2018, succeeding Siegfried Schneider in this function. The chair automatically  includes presiding the ZAK, the Commission on licensing and supervision. Cornelia Holsten is the first woman to chair the DLM.

Her deputies are Joachim Becker (LPR Hessen), Thomas Fuchs (MA HSH Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein) and Jochen Fasco (TLM Thuringia). Contrary to previous DLM practice, this time the deputies have been nominated in parallel to their respective functions as coordinators of the three expert committees (Koordinatoren der Fachausschüsse) on regulation (Fachausschuss I, Becker), on networks, technology and convergence (Fachausschuss II, Fuchs) and on media literacy, user protection and local plurality (Fachausschuss III, Fasco).

Photo © DLM

Dr. Tobias Schmid, Director of the LfM of North-Rhine Westphalia, remains the European Representative of the Media Authorities.

Topics of particular relevance on the agenda of the DLM in 2018 will be:

  • Discoverability and recommender systems
  • Public Value offers of commercial broadcasters
  • Artificial Intelligence.
The DLM, which consists of the legal representatives of the 14 media authorities, deals with the interests of its members concerning broadcasting issues on the national and international levels. It exchanges views, opinions and information with broadcasters and also deals with common matters over and above the licensing and supervision of audiovisual media. It commissions expert views and surveys on matters of principal relevance for the member authorities and monitors and analyses the development of programmes and content.

Source: Website of the Media Authorities (
