posted on
01 July, 2020
Cani Fernández, new Chairwoman at CNMC
Ms Cani Fernández Vicién has been appointed as the new Chairwoman of the CNMC from 17 June onwards. A lawyer and expert in European Union Competition Law, she used to advise companies, Governments and EU Institutions and has experience in a wide range of sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, media, telecommunications and energy.
Furthermore, four other members of the CNMC’s Board have been elected, namely Mr Ángel Torres Torres, who now holds the charge of Vice-Chairman, Ms Pilar Sánchez Núñez, Mr Josep Sala i Prats and Mr Carlos Aguilar Paredes.
The mandate of the five Members of the Board is for a period of six years with no possibility of renewal.

Picture of the CNMC Board.
The National Commission on Markets and Competition (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia- CNMC in Spanish) is an entity that promotes and defends proper functioning of all markets, in the interest of consumers and businesses.
It is a public entity with its own autonomous legal status. It is independent from Spain's central government but is subject to parliamentary control. It began its operations on 7 October 2013 by integrating six entities: The National Commission on Competition, the National Energy Commission, the Commission on the Telecommunications Market, the National Commission on the Postal Sector, the State Council on Audiovisual Media, and the Committee on Railway and Airport Regulation.
Source: the CNMC