posted on
02 October, 2020
The relationship with Europe and with various bodies bringing together national regulators will be crucial states President Lasorella
On 2 October 2020, President Giacomo Lasorella and Commissioners Laura Aria, Antonello Giacomelli, Elisa Giomi and Enrico Mandelli participated in the inauguration meeting of the new AGCOM Commission in the Rome office of the Italian regulatory authority.
On this occasion, the newly elected AGCOM President stated that the relationship with Europe and with the various bodies that bring together the national regulatory authorities in the various sectors such as BEREC, ERGA and ERGP, as well as with the European Commission, will be crucial.
On 15 September 2020, the President of the Italian Republic had signed the appointment decrees for the new AGCOM board, which were subsequently published in the Official Journal. This marked the last step of the appointment procedure of the Board of the Italian converged regulator. The new composition of the AGCOM Board is as follows:
Laura ARIA (elected by the Senate)
Elisa GIOMI (elected by the Senate)
Antonello GIACOMELLI (elected by the Chamber of Deputies)
Enrico MANDELLI (elected by the Chamber of Deputies)
This is the fourth Board of the AGCOM and the first time that there is a gender balance among the commissionners.
More information about the procedure:
Nomination & appointment of the president: The president of the Authority is appointed by a decree of the President of the Republic on the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers in agreement with the Ministry of Communications. The nomination of the president of the Authority shall be submitted to the competent parliamentary commissions for approval.
Nomination and appointment of the four Commissionners: The Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies elect four commissioners each of whom will be subsequently appointed by a decree of the President of the Republic.
Mandate: The mandate is seven years and is not renewable.
Powers: The President represents the Authority, convenes the meetings of the collegial bodies, establishes the agenda and directs the work; he supervises the implementation of resolutions.
AGCOM Press Release of inaugural meeting (IT)
More information (IT)
Source: AGCOM website