posted on
01 September, 2022
As a result of in-depth exchanges between experts and audiovisual regulators, EPRA publishes papers on two topical issues: Regulating hate speech on VSPs and Protecting minors from harmful online advertising

Based on the idea that a better understanding of the mechanisms and impact of harmful content is paramount to achieve suitable solutions, EPRA has invited its members to discuss the role of video-sharing platforms on online hate speech and the effect of direct and indirect advertising on minors. Gathering prominent experts and regulators' inputs, the papers provide an overview of the exchanges and main insights shared during the two EPRA events.
- Minors and advertising: connecting the dots between research, policy and regulation and implementation
A key theme of the EPRA Work Programme 2022, this topic was addressed during the 55th EPRA meeting in Antwerp.
Strongly relying on the input of renowned academics and research findings, the session aimed at connecting the dots between research, policy and implementation. The EPRA paper presents both an overview of in-depth studies on major issues identified by the regulators and practical case-studies from several EPRA members' countries.
As a first step, the paper summarises the fruitful discussions held on the issue of (online) marketing of “unhealthy” foods and beverages, based on the rich input of Kremlin Wickramasinghe, Acting Head, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of noncommunicable Diseases, Sophie Valais, European Audiovisual Observatory and Prof. Jörg Matthes, University of Vienna.
Subsequently, the paper addresses the issues of influencer marketing and minors on video and content-sharing platforms, building on the contributions of Prof. Dr. Eva Lievens (Ghent University) and Nadia Feci (Ghent University & KU Leuven), Andy Demeulenaere (Mediawijs), Melissa Kekenbosch (Belgian Federal Public Service of Economy) and media regulators’ short case studies.
55th EPRA meeting: Background document and summary of the thematic session on minors and advertising
- Video-sharing platforms and regulation: focus on online hate speech
In the framework of regular workshops organised by EPRA on "Video-sharing platforms (VSPs) & Regulation" since 2021, this third session focused on the issue of online hate speech.
The EPRA paper notably provides for:
- an overview of the systemic regulatory approach developed and advocated by Lorna Woods (Professor of Internet Law at the School of Law of the University of Essex (UK)) and William Perrin (Trustee, Carnegie UK).
- an insight into relevant experiences from EPRA members and the new Council of Europe's recommendation on combating hate speech.
VSPs & Regulation: concept, agenda & summary of the workshop on hate speech