The 39th EPRA meeting will take place in Budva, Montenegro, from 4 to 6 June 2014 at the invitation of the Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro.
On this occasion, about 150 delegates from over 50 regulatory authorities in more than 40 countries in Europe will meet to discuss issues related to media regulation and exchange information and best practices on topics of common interest.
In accordance with our Annual Work Programme 2014, the agenda of the meeting strikes a balance between:
A plenary session will look at the responses of regulatory authorities and key stakeholders to the European Commission’s recent Green Paper on Convergence. On that occasion, speakers from Sky, Bouygues, Telefonica and ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG will develop their specific point of view, identifying which are the main regulatory challenges from their perspective and putting their ideal regulatory responses forward and confronting their approach with those of regulators.
A plenary session will be devoted to the discussion of Hate Speech – Old Enemy, New Battles”. The session, which takes place against the backdrop of our annual topic on "Tackling discriminatory and hateful content in a convergent media environment", will be opened by a keynote address by Dr. Tarlach McGonagle.
A working group on the Independence of NRAs will - among other topics - analyse NRAs responses to the recent Commission’s Consultation, identify common trends and challenges, and discuss any envisaged follow-up actions (Working Group 2).
A working group entitled "Empowering Users: Focus on Media Literacy" will take stock of new developments at national and European level, collect best practices and conduct benchmarking on the roles and responsibilities of media players and NRAs (Working Group 1)
A working group on Major Events will focus on the procedure to follow to adopt a formal list and look at the life of the list, the exercise of the rights, and the tools to intervene (Working Group 3)
This is a closed event for EPRA members. Participation upon invitation only.
See the attachment below for further details on the Draft Agenda.