
Vice-chair election: EPRA welcomes new Board member

posted on 10 June, 2024   (public)

Armela Krasniqi joins the EPRA Executive Board

Elections to a vacant position of Vice Chairperson in the EPRA Executive Board took place during the 59th EPRA meeting in Rotterdam on 6 June 2024.

The Assembly of EPRA members elected Armela Krasniqi, Chairperson of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) in Albania, as Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Board for a mandate of one year.

Armela Krasniqi replaces Maria Donde, who stepped down from her position on the EPRA Board at the Rotterdam meeting to take on her new new role as International Director at the Coimisiún na Meán (IE). 

The other members of the EPRA Executive Board are:

From left to right: Armela Krasniqi, Stanislav Matějka, Mari Velsand, Stephanie Comey, Valentin-Alexandru Jucan

Further details about the Board members are available on the dedicated EPRA Board page.

Focus on the EPRA Executive Board 

  • The Executive Board acts as the strategic body steering EPRA. The Board represents EPRA in external events, proposes a 3-year strategy, devises the yearly work programmes and the related activities, and takes decisions relating to the operation of EPRA. 

  • Members of the Board are elected and act as individuals in a personal capacity on a honorary basis, they do not represent their respective authorities.

  • EPRA's remit excludes the making of common declarations and the pursuit of national goals

  • EPRA's newly adopted 3-year Strategy emphasises the crucial importance of preserving independence and neutrality in a polarised environment.

Source: EPRA Secretariat