posted on
08 June, 2016
EPRA consults on a draft three-year organisational Strategy

As announced by EPRA Chairperson Celene Craig during the 43rd EPRA Meeting in Barcelona, the Executive Board is launching today a Consultation with members and stakeholders on a draft three-year organisational Strategy for EPRA.
The Board and Secretariat consider that setting a strategy for EPRA is of key importance as it:
Sets the direction and scope of EPRA's work and acts as a high level plan;
Is useful in conditions of uncertainty;
Helps EPRA to stay focused and relevant.
Drafting a Strategy at this precise moment in time offers the opportunity for EPRA to:
Reaffirm its core purpose and delineate our role and relevance going forward;
Provide clarify on its direction and priorities;
Be responsive and agile to changes in a dynamic and evolving external environment;
Articulate the challenges for its members and for itself as an organisation over the next three years.
We would therefore very much welcome your views on the attached draft strategy. In particular, we would like to ask you to consider the following four questions:
Do you agree that the DRAFT VISION STATEMENT is sufficiently future-focused and clear in terms of what EPRA would ultimately want to achieve?
Do you agree with the Board's articulation of EPRA's essential purpose over the next three years, as set out in the DRAFT MISSION STATEMENT?
Do you agree that the DRAFT STATEMENT OF EPRA Values accurately captures how EPRA behaves? Are there any values that haven't been captured?
Are the draft EPRA GOALS AND OBJECTIVES appropriate given the nature of the challenges facing EPRA? Are there any other goals you would like to see added? Should EPRA continue to build on its existing strengths or does EPRA need to develop or change direction and, if so, how?
We welcome your consideration of these issues. However, please feel free to respond in any way that you deem appropriate.
EPRA Draft Strategy: Timeline:
- 7 June-4 July: Consultation with members and other stakeholders on draft strategy;
- 8 July 2016: Executive Board to consider consultation responses and amend draft strategy if necessary;
- September 2016: Final draft strategy to be circulated to Members;
- 19-21 October 2016: Plenary Meeting in Yerevan: Consideration and decision on EPRA Strategy.
We look forward to your contributions to ensure that EPRA keeps delivering added value for its membership and stakeholders.
The EPRA Secretariat