
A new Executive Board for EPRA

posted on 16 May, 2013   (public)

EPRA re-elects Jean-François Furnémont as Chairman; Helena Mandić joins the Executive Board

(c) Picture Courtesy National Broadcasting Council of Poland

Elections for the entire EPRA Executive Board were held at the 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków on 10 May 2013.

Jean-François Furnémont, Director General of Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel of the French speaking Community of Belgium (CSA) was re-elected Chairman for a period of two years.

Mr Furnémont is no newcomer to the EPRA. His regulatory authority became a member of the network in 1998, he joined the Board in May 2008 and was elected as Chairman in 2011 for a first two-year mandate.

In carrying out his tasks, the new Chairman will be supported by the Strasbourg-based Secretariat and by four Vice-Chairpersons.

Helena Mandić, Director of Broadcasting at the Communications Regulatory Agency (BA), joins the 5-person Executive Board for the first time.

Other re-elected Board members are:

  • Mònica Ariño, Director of International Affairs, Ofcom (UK),
  • Maja Cappello, Deputy Director of Media Services Directorate, AGCOM (IT), and
  • Damir Hajduk, Member of the Agency for Electronic Media of the Republic of Croatia (HR).

The EPRA Board is in charge of administering and representing the EPRA in its daily business.

Source:  EPRA Secretariat


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