Nuremberg - Plenary 2: The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output - Introduction
posted on
22 Oct, 2015
Introductory Document EPRA/2015/13 prepared by Ciarán Kissane, BAI (IE) for the Plenary session 2 entitled "The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output" which will take...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Presentation by Peggy Valcke, VRM/KU Leuven (BE)
posted on
10 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Prof. Peggy Valcke, VRM / KU Leuven (BE) entitled "Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Recent Developments in Europe," for the Plenary session 2: "Assessing Plurality in an...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Presentation of CvdM (NL)
posted on
08 Oct, 2013
Presentation of Edmund Lauf, Commissariaat voor de Media (NL) entitled "A future proof monitoring system: Assessing diversity of news media exposure in a European setting ", for the EPRA Plenary...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Introduction
posted on
29 Sep, 2013
Introductory document (EPRA/2013/14) for the Plenary session 2 on "Assessing Plurality in an online environment" of 4 October 2013 in Vilnius. Final version with links to speakers' presentations of...
Dresden - WG3: Media Pluralism Monitor - Introduction
posted on
14 Oct, 2009
Introduction and objectives of Working Group III: The European Media Pluralism Monitor by Peggy Valcke ICRI-IBBT K.U.Leuven; 30th EPRA Meeting, Dresden, 15 October 2009
Istanbul - Plenary 2: Media Concentration - Reference Document
posted on
14 Oct, 2004
Reference document: Report on media ownership in 25 Member States, Deirdre Kevin et al, EIM, for the European Parliament, for the Plenary session on Media concentration: Current Developments and...
Istanbul - Plenary 2: Media Concentration - Comparative presentation
posted on
14 Oct, 2004
Media ownership and pluralism: regulatory trends and challenges in the European Union Member States, Powerpoint Presentation by Deirdre Kevin (EIM) for the Plenary Session: Media concentration:...
Ljubljana - WG1: Media Concentration - Presentation NL
posted on
24 Oct, 2002
Presentation by Inge Brakman,CvdM, Netherlands, for Working Group 1: Media Concentration; Trends and Monitoring, 16th EPRA meeting: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-25 October 2002
Ljubljana - WG1: Media Concentration - Background Paper
posted on
24 Oct, 2002
Background paper: EPRA/2002/08 on the monitoring of media concentration by Sigve Gramstad, Norwegian Media Ownership Authority for Working Group 1: Media Concentration; Trends and Monitoring, 16th...
Ljubljana - WG1: Media Ownership - Paper Annex
posted on
24 Oct, 2002
Annex to Background paper: EPRA/2002/08 on the monitoring of media concentration by Sigve Gramstad, Norwegian Media Ownership Authority for Working Group 1: Media Concentration; Trends and...