Vienna - WG III: The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators - Background Document
posted on
06 Oct, 2017
EPRA Background Document (EPRA/2017/12) prepared by Vianney Baudeu, CSA (FR), for the Working Group III "The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators" which took place on 12 October 2017...
Yerevan - Plenary II: Compliance and Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods put to test (part II) - Introductory paper
posted on
14 Oct, 2016
Introductory paper (EPRA/2016/13) by the EPRA Secretary for the discussion in Plenary II: "Compliance and Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods put to test (part II)" which will take place...
Barcelona - Plenary 2: Compliance and Enforcement Policies, Strategies and methods put to test - Background paper
posted on
20 May, 2016
Comparative Background Document EPRA/2016/06 by EPRA Secretary Emmanuelle Machet for the Plenary session 2 "Compliance and Enforcement Policies, Strategies and methods put to test" which will take...
Vilnius - Plenary session 1: Supervising VOD services - Final comparative document
posted on
20 Dec, 2013
Comparative document (EPRA 2013/10) prepared by Geneviève de Bueger, CSA (BE) for the First Plenary Session on "Supervising VOD services: best practices and methodology", of 3 October 2013 in...
Vilnius - Plenary 1: Supervising VOD services - Presentation by ATVOD (UK)
posted on
04 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Cathy Taylor, ATVOD (UK) for the First Plenary Session on "Supervising VOD services: best practices and methodology", of 3 October 2013 in Vilnius.
Barcelona (2010) - Plenary2: Complaints & sanctions - background paper
posted on
12 May, 2010
Comparative Background Document on Complaints and Sanctions by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat for the plenary session for the 31st EPRA meeting in Barcelona, 12-14 May 2010.