
Document list

Portoroz - WG3: News & Current Affairs: Regulatory Approaches - Background Document
posted on 23 May, 2012   (public)
Background Document (EPRA/2012/05) prepared by Maida Ćulahović, CRA, Bosnia and Herzegovina for the working group 3 News & Current Affairs: Regulatory Approaches, 35th EPRA Meeting, Portorož, 30...
Naples - Plenary 2: Self-regulation - Background Document
posted on 08 May, 2003   (public)
Background paper: EPRA/2003/02 by Eleftheria Pertzinidou, Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat on Self-regulation of TV content with respect to protection of minors and violence, 17th EPRA meeting,...
Naples - Plenary 2 : Self Regulation - Keynote
posted on 08 May, 2003   (public)
Keynote Speech of Sven Egil Omdal, former President of the Norwegian Press Council for the Plenary Session on: Self-regulation of TV-content with respect to protection of minors and violence, 17th...
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