Vienna - WG III: The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators - Background Document
posted on
06 Oct, 2017
EPRA Background Document (EPRA/2017/12) prepared by Vianney Baudeu, CSA (FR), for the Working Group III "The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators" which took place on 12 October 2017...
Barcelona - Plenary 2: Compliance and Enforcement Policies, Strategies and methods put to test - Background paper
posted on
20 May, 2016
Comparative Background Document EPRA/2016/06 by EPRA Secretary Emmanuelle Machet for the Plenary session 2 "Compliance and Enforcement Policies, Strategies and methods put to test" which will take...
Nuremberg - Plenary 2: The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output - Introduction
posted on
22 Oct, 2015
Introductory Document EPRA/2015/13 prepared by Ciarán Kissane, BAI (IE) for the Plenary session 2 entitled "The Regulators' Toolkit to encourage diversity of sources and output" which will take...
Tbilisi - WG2: Independence of NRAs - Comparative Background paper
posted on
02 Oct, 2014
Comparative background paper for the Working group 2 on "Independence of NRAs: Tools and Best Practices" prepared by Maida Ćulahović, CRA (BA) for the 40th EPRA meeting in Tbilisi, on 8-10 October...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an online environment - Presentation of Mediadem report
posted on
11 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Federica Casarosa, EUI Florence, entitled "The MEDIADEM report: towards an integrated media policy in Europe?", for the Plenary session 2: "Assessing Plurality in an Online World"...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Presentation by Peggy Valcke, VRM/KU Leuven (BE)
posted on
10 Oct, 2013
Presentation by Prof. Peggy Valcke, VRM / KU Leuven (BE) entitled "Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Recent Developments in Europe," for the Plenary session 2: "Assessing Plurality in an...
Vilnius - Plenary session 2: Assessing Plurality in an Online World - Introduction
posted on
29 Sep, 2013
Introductory document (EPRA/2013/14) for the Plenary session 2 on "Assessing Plurality in an online environment" of 4 October 2013 in Vilnius. Final version with links to speakers' presentations of...
Tallinn -Plenary 2: Transparency & Accountability of RAs - Background document
posted on
06 May, 2009
The Transparency and Accountability of regulators: Background document EPRA/2009/06 by the EPRA Secretariat, for the plenary session on Transparency and Accountability of Regulators, Tallinn, May...
Tallinn - Plenary 2: Transparency and Accountability of RAs - Keynote speechKeynote_final
posted on
06 May, 2009
Keynote speech by François Jongen (BE) for the 2nd Plenary session on Transparency and Accountability of Regulators, Tallinn, May 2009
Elsinore - WG2: Compliance with Licence Requirements - Introduction
posted on
17 May, 2006
Introduction by the EPRA Secretariat for the WG2 on the Compliance with Broadcasting Licence Requirements, 23rd EPRA meeting, Elsinore, 17-19 May 2006