Kraków - WG3 Accessibility - Comparative Document (final version)
posted on
09 Jul, 2013
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2013/05) for the Working group 3 on Access to Audiovisual Media Services for persons with disabilities, prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretary, for the...
Nicosia - Plenary 1: Media developments in acceding, candidate and transition countries - Background paper
posted on
23 Oct, 2003
Final report by Hagi Shein and Tarmo Rajaleid prepared for the Plenary session: Media developments in acceding, candidate and transition countries, What is and what can be the role of the...
Malta - Plenary 1: Advertising - background paper
posted on
27 Sep, 2001
Background document for the Plenary session on "Follow up discussion on advertising regulation in the light of the Television Without Frontiers Directive" by Gernot Schumann, European Affairs...
Malta - Plenary 1: advertising - Presentation by BEUC
posted on
27 Sep, 2001
Intervention of Willemien Bax, BEUC for the plenary session : Follow up discussion on advertising regulation in the light of the Television Without Frontiers Directive (Sept. 2001)
Barcelona - Plenary: Advertising - Background Paper
posted on
18 Apr, 2001
EPRA/2001/02 13th EPRA meeting Barcelona, 19-20 April 2001 How far shall we deregulate advertising in the light of the future review of the TWF Directive? Background document for the Plenary...