Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - Comparative Document (Final version)
posted on
24 Jun, 2013
Comparative Background Document (EPRA/2013/02b) for Plenary session 1 on The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretary for the 37th EPRA meeting...
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - Presentation by Juraj Polak
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Juraj Polak, CBR (SK) for the Plenary Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - Presentation by Françoise Laborde
posted on
13 May, 2013
Presentation by Françoise Laborde, CSA (FR) for the Plenary Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Kraków - Session 1: The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment - An Introduction
posted on
02 May, 2013
Introduction and objectives (EPRA/2013/02a) to Plenary session 1 on The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment, prepared by Francesca Pellicanò (AGCOM - IT) for the 37th EPRA meeting in...
Portoroz - Plenary 1: New Services and Scope: "What’s in, What’s out Revisited" - Paper
posted on
29 Jun, 2012
Comparative Background paper (EPRA/2012/02a) prepared by Emmanuelle Machet, EPRA Secretariat for the Plenary session: "New Services and Scope: What’s in, What’s out Revisited", 35th EPRA Meeting,...
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 1: Jurisdiction & VOD - Presentation UK
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Presentation by David Mahoney, Ofcom, UK for the Plenary Session 1 > Content Regulation and New Media: Jurisdiction Challenges in a VOD Environment, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7 October 2011
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 2: Approaches to Monitoring - Background document
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Background document: EPRA/2011/13 by the EPRA Secretary prepared for Plenary Session 2 > Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7...
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 1: Jurisdiction & VOD - Background Paper
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Background document by Clémence Dumont (CSA, BE), Emmanuelle Machet (EPRA Secretariat) for the Plenary session on "Content Regulation and New Media: Jurisdiction Challenges in a VOD Environment"...
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 2: Approaches to Monitoring - Presentation SE (PPT)
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Presentation (Powerpoint) by Lottie-Ann Lindström, SBA, Sweden for Session 2 > Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7 October...
Brussels (2011) - Plenary 2: Approaches to Monitoring - Presentation SE (text)
posted on
05 Oct, 2011
Presentation ( text) by Lottie-Ann Lindström, SBA, Sweden for Session 2 > Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring, 34th EPRA Meeting: Brussels, 5-7 October 2011