#You'reMissingOut Campaign - Catalan Audiovisual Council to boost media coverage of women's sport
Mònica Duran (CAC - ES)
posted on
05 Feb, 2020
Media Commitment to promote Women's sport in the framework of the #You'reMissingOut Campaign of the Catalan CAC. The document includes media coverage commitments, media outlet commitments and a...
Towards the implementation of the “Declaration of the MNRA in favour of the promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender stereotyping"
posted on
04 Oct, 2014
Towards the implementation of the “Declaration of the MNRA in favour of the promotion of gender equality and the fight against gender stereotyping” of 23 November 2012, Platform, Coordinated by the...
CoE Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 on gender equality and media
posted on
03 Oct, 2014
Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender equality and media adopted on 10 July 2013 at the 1176th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies.