
Document list

Vienna - WG III: The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators - Presentation (Bernardo Herman, CSA-BE)
posted on 16 Oct, 2017   (public)
Presentation prepared by Bernardo Herman, CSA (BE), for the Working Group III "The Changing Relationship between citizens & regulators" which took place on 12 October 2017 in Vienna.
Budva CoE workshop on Indicators for Independence of NRAs - Presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS (SI)
posted on 19 Jun, 2014   (public)
"Independence of the audiovisual regulators: the perspective of a converged authority", presentation by Tanja Kerševan Smokvina, AKOS, Slovenia, for the Council of Europe Project Regional Meeting...
Budva CoE workshop on Indicators for Independence of NRAs - Presentation by Irish BAI
posted on 18 Jun, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Michael O'Keeffe, CEO, Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, on "Indicators for Independence of Regulatory Authorities: definition, practice and verification - Ireland Case study", for...
Kraków - Session 2: PSM in a Connected Environment - Presentation by Celene Craig
posted on 13 May, 2013   (public)
Presentation by Celene Craig, BAI (IE) for the Plenary Session 2: Public Service Media in a Connected Environment, 37th EPRA meeting in Kraków (May 2013).
Nicosia - Plenary 1: Media developments in acceding, candidate and transition countries - Background paper
posted on 23 Oct, 2003   (public)
Final report by Hagi Shein and Tarmo Rajaleid prepared for the Plenary session: Media developments in acceding, candidate and transition countries, What is and what can be the role of the...
Naples - WG 1: Programme Performance of PSB - Background Paper
posted on 08 May, 2003   (public)
Background paper (revised version) EPRA/2003/03 by Marcel Betzel, Commissariaat voor de Media, Netherlands, for Working Group 1: Programme Performance of PSB and its Mission in the Digital Era,...
Naples - WG1: Programme Performance of PSB - Powerpoint
posted on 08 May, 2003   (public)
Powerpoint presentation by Marcel Betzel, Commissariaat voor de Media, Netherlands, for Working Group 1: Programme Performance of PSB and its Mission in the Digital Era, 17th EPRA meeting: Naples,...
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