
Document list

Yerevan - WG I: Media in times of crisis: The role of regulatory authorities - Presentation (Thomas Dautieu, CSA FR)
by Eric Munch (Observer) posted on 24 Oct, 2016   (public)
Presentation by Thomas Dautieu (Deputy Director of Programmes, CSA, FR) for Working Group 1: "Media in times of crisis: The role of regulatory authorities", on 20 October 2016, during the 44th EPRA...
Barcelona - WG1: Media in times of crisis - Summary of the discussion
posted on 09 Jun, 2016   (public)
Summary of the discussion of the working group 1: "Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers" which took place on 26 May 2016 in Barcelona by Content Producer Ivane Makharadze,...
Barcelona - WG1: Media in times of crisis - Introductory Document
posted on 19 May, 2016   (public)
Introductory Document EPRA /2016/03 by Content Producer Ivane Makharadze, GNCC (Georgia), for the working group 1: "Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers" which will take place...
Tbilisi - WG1: Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools - Presentation by Nienke Meester, CvdM (NL)
posted on 16 Oct, 2014   (public)
Presentation by Nienke Meester, CvdM (NL) for the Working group 1 on “Empowering users: Focus on Protection Tools", the 40th EPRA meeting in Tbilisi, 8-10 October 2014.
Sarajevo - Plenary 1: 10 years of EPRA - Presentation HU
posted on 11 May, 2005   (public)
Powerpoint Presentation by János Timár, ORTT (HU) on Current challenges faced by the regulatory authority in Hungary, presented at the Plenary Session: "Back to the Future 10 years of EPRA", 21st...
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