
French CSA reports on female stereotypes in TV programmes

posted on 11 September, 2014   (public)

French CSA reports on female stereotypes in TV programmes

In July 2014, the French CSA published three studies on female stereotypes in audiovisual programmes. Further to the French law on gender equality, the CSA has the duty to monitor the image of women in audiovisual programmes, aiming to fight against gender stereotypes. To fulfil this duty, the CSA conducted studies identifying the possible presence of stereotypes in three types of programmes: fiction series, entertainment shows and animation.

The studies show that:
  • The profile of women in fiction series respond to stereotypes that can be described as “traditional”, one of the most common is inferiority of women in the professional field;
  • In entertainment shows, in general, gender stereotypes are very strong, however they concern both men and women;
  • Animation appears to be less marked by gender stereotypes than other genres; considering all characters, parents and children, there is a balance in the representation of men and women.

The purpose of this analysis is to raise awareness among audiovisual players and viewers on this subject. The studies assess top ranking programmes broadcast between January and May 2014. The analysis of the selected programmes was based on the criteria established in previous CSA studies on gender equality (please see links below).

Source: French CSA
