
Jürgen Brautmeier appointed new Chair of German DLM

posted on 31 January, 2013   (public)

As of 1 January 2013, the chairmanship of the Conference of Directors of the Media Authorities (DLM) was taken over by Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier for a term of two years.  The DLM, which is composed of the legal representatives of the media authorities in Germany, acts as the main umbrella organisation of the 14 regional regulatory authorities. Jürgen Brautmeier is also Director of the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM) and Vice-chairman of EPRA.

  • Jochen Fasco, Director of the media authority of Thuringia (Thüringer Landesmedienanstalt - TLM) acts as Vice Chairman.
  • Cornelia Holsten, Director of the media authority of Bremen (Bremische Landesmedienanstalt - brema) acts as Vice Chairwoman.
  • Thomas Langheinrich, from the Media Authority of Baden-Württemberg (Landesanstalt für Kommunikation - LfK), is the new European Affairs Commissioner of the DLM. He coordinates the European activities of the media authorities, including legislative  processes in the field of the media, drafting positions on current developments in relation to broadcasting and promoting the exchange of views and opinions regarding media policy and media legislation with the institutions of the European Union and other regulatory bodies.

In Germany, 14 regional media authorities are in charge of licensing and controlling as well as structuring and promoting commercial radio and television. Several councils and commissions coordinate and align matters at the national level. The joint management office (Gemeinsame Geschäftsstelle), which is located in Berlin, coordinates the day-to-day business of regional media authorities.

Source: DLM Website (die Medienanstalten)

